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145 Alive is an activity event to promote the use of 2m FM simplex.

Regional nets are established across the UK on a chosen day over a period of several hours, and anyone is welcome to call in and get as many contacts as possible. Just get on the air!

145 Alive is currently coordinated via the Facebook group 145 ALIVE ACTIVITY EVENT GROUP.

As of January 2025, the number of people joining the Facebook group exceeded 3400.

However, for the benefit of those who do not use Facebook, but may still be interested in the event, this webpage has been set up.

Magic pixies will update this site with information in the run-up to each event.

19 January 2025 - Update - Revised Net controller map & Frequency assignment spreadsheet

145 Alive Update - Attached is the Final list of Nets and the Net Frequencies.

Please respect the fact that this is not an easy task. Nor is it a precise art, especially as there almost 60 Nets (the biggest yet). If the frequency shown does not look complete on the list what's missing are zero's ( my spreadsheet had a fit !!)

Net Controllers will need to take into account the prevailing conditions on the day and importantly have an alternative operating location identified. Any challenges will make you better operators. You could use Narrow FM on the day, it may make the audio a little more 'tinny, but may make you a little more punchy.

Please plan for the day with all the equipment and provisions necessary for you to operate and stay safe.

Please take lots of photos and importantly log your callers and their Maidenhead Locator.

Please send Logs in an ADIF Format to [email protected] within a max of 2 weeks of the event.

Enjoy and stay safe Mark (M0XIC) and John (M0XJA)


17 January 2025 - Update - Revised Net controller map

The net controller map has been revised due to one of the controllers having to pull out due to circumstances beyond their control. Here's how things look for 26 January:

Interactive map is available

15 January 2025 - Update - NET CONTROL GUIDELINES

Attached are the NET CONTROL GUIDELINES for the forthcoming event on the 26th January 2025.

If you are a Net Controller (whether you have done it before or you are new) then please take 5 minutes to read through them.

Frequencies are currently being worked on and will be posted here in the next few days.

Mark and John


10 January 2025 - Net Controllers update & what happens next

We now have 59 Nets operational on the 26/01/25. It's the most Nets we have had to date and is therefore (in that sense) the biggest 145 Alive.

What happens Next ?

1. We will now allocate frequencies to all those Nets with the hope of keeping them apart. Its not an easy task and there will no doubt be some issues on the day, depending upon locations and conditions. A list of all the frequencies will be posted onto the FB page in the week before the event.

2. We will issue some Guidelines for Net Controllers using the email you sent to me with your offer to run a net, so please keep a look out. The Guidelines will also be placed onto the FB page.

3. We have been donated a new mobile radio which we will be giving to a lucky recipient after the event. More details about this will follow.

4. You need to tell everyone you know about the 145 Alive event and explain how easy it is, and how much fun it is, to take part on the day.

5. Net Controllers need to think about how they are going to run their Net and how they are going to record the call-sign and the location of each caller. All Net Logs from Net Controllers will need to be sent in, in an ADIF format so that they can be analysed and used. If they are received in any other format they can not be used I'm afraid. Most loggers will produce an export in an ADIF format for you. Any queries or alterations send an email to me at [email protected]

Mark and John

Reminder: coordination happens on the Facebook group. Check there for the latest updates.

Summary of the 29 September 2024 145 Alive event

  • Almost the entirety of The British Isles had contacts between Radio Amateurs on 2m FM
  • In the 3 hours. 1300 - 1600, well over 1000 contacts were made
  • 44 Regional nets
  • Participating stations to the edges of all 4 cardinal points:
  1. North: Orkneys
  2. East: Norfolk
  3. South: Cornwall
  4. West: Munster

Numerous 1st timer Net Controllers - An Aeronautical Mobile station - At least 1 flat car battery - Some great radio - A lot of fun

Sept 2024 resources are now removed

start.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/19 23:02 by rich